Retrieved 2024.7.11 | Xinhua June 3, 2023 | SCIO – The state council information office 国务院新闻办公室 2014 中国文明是世界唯一未曾中断的文明吗 Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for…
truth is stranger than fiction
Retrieved 2024.7.11 | Xinhua June 3, 2023 | SCIO – The state council information office 国务院新闻办公室 2014 中国文明是世界唯一未曾中断的文明吗 Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for…
Is Chinese civilization the only uninterrupted civilization in the world? 2023 Xi stresses building modern Chinese civilizationXi stresses building modern Chinese civilization 江苏社科规划网 > 社科动态…