Indiana University – Robert H. McKinney School of Law’s adjunct professor 兼职教授 David Honig wrote about Donald Trump’s art of deal making in 2018. He stresses on
- destructive negotiation / bargaining 分配谈判
- integrative bargaining 综合谈判
One of the example he used is soybeans. So I googled a few facts on soybeans:
- the leading producing country of the soybeans are
- Brazil, 39%, 153 million metric tons
- US, 29%, 113.27m
- Argentina 12%, 48.21m
- China 5%, 20.84m
- ..
- Russia, ?%, 6.8m
- soybean price per ton varies, from $365 in 2024 Q4, to $553 on 2023.11.30.
- Mato Grosso is the largest producer in Brazil: 28% of total export in 2023
- Monsanto (1901-) had dominate the soybean seed market for decades
I totally agree that tariff is a two way street. But soybean might not be the best example. So Trump raised tariff and pissed China off. So China bought from Russia, who produced 6.8 million metric ton in 2023, when China needs to import 99.41m in 2023.
Monsanto was an American company that was created in 1901 by John Francis Queeny (1859-1933). It defunct in 2016, and ultimately acquired by Bayer for $66 billion. The deal was concluded in 2018. But the ensuing lawsuits over Monsanto’s products, such as Roundup, PCBs and Dicamba, many have considered this merger was the worst in history.
In 2014, Monsanto offered to buy Syngenta for $40 billion, and again, offered $47 billion the year after. Both attempts were rejected. China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina) bought it in 2017, for $43 billion, which was the biggest foreign acquisition ever made by a Chinese company.
An insider told me that 中国改为主要从巴西进口后, 加剧了亚马逊雨林的砍伐. 包括大豆和玉米. Google translates “China has exacerbated deforestation in the Amazon rainforest after it switched to importing mostly from Brazil, including soybeans and corn.”
印第安纳大学 – 罗伯特·麦金尼法学院的兼职教授 David Honig 在 2018 年撰写了一篇关于唐纳德·特朗普的交易艺术的文章. 他强调
- 破坏性谈判/讨价还价 分配谈判
- 综合谈判
他使用的一个例子是大豆. 所以我在谷歌上搜索了一些关于大豆的事实:
- 巴西,39%,1.53亿公吨
- 美国,29%,1.1327亿吨
- 阿根廷 12%,4821万吨
- 中国 5%,2,084万吨
- ..
- 俄罗斯,?%,680万吨
马托格罗索州是巴西最大的生产州: 2023年占总出口的28%.
孟山都(1901-) 几十年来一直主导着大豆种子市场
我完全同意关税是双向的. 但大豆可能不是最好的例子. 特朗普提高了关税, 惹恼了中国. 因此龙国从俄罗斯购买. 俄罗斯在 2023 年的产量为 680 万吨, 而 2023 年中国需要进口 9941 万吨. 大鹅的区区680实在填不饱的胃口.
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