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QX110: Jiaxing Catholic Church

…文革时全被破坏了这都是新修复的, 左侧彩色地砖是老的残留右边是新的差异还是很明显的.

Chee Hsin tiles:  QX110 is seen at Jiaxing Catholic Church  嘉兴圣母显灵堂/嘉兴天主堂, in China.

Zhejiang, Jiaxing, Nanhu District,
紫阳街55号 邮政编码: 314050

A friend posted these pix: 前2天有朋友密告嘉兴这个旧称远东第三大的教堂,也是国保的天主堂今天有开放做礼拜可进入了. 所以今天一早乘高铁即去了嘉兴教堂真是在做礼拜人还不少. …

This Roman Catholic church in downtown Jiaxing was built by French priest Louis Boscat / Bu Shijia 步师加 (1848-1904) in 1902, per wiki:

Jiaxing Catholic Church was originally built by French priest Louis Boscat / Bu Shijia 步师加 (1848-1904) in 1902. It was the headquarters of Carmelites in Jiaxing. The current church was designed by the Italian priest, missionary of the Congregation of the Mission, Angelo-Joseph Asinelli / Han Rilu 韩日禄 (1871-1950). The construction began in 1917 and was completed in 1930 thanks to gifts from the Shanghai philanthropist Joseph Lo Pa Hong 陆伯鸿 (1875-1937). During the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards attacked the church and part of it was badly damaged. In March 2005, it was designated as a “Historical and Cultural Site Protected at the Provincial Level” by the Zhejiang government. In May 2013, it was listed among the seventh batch of “Major National Historical and Cultural Sites in Zhejiang” alongside Jiaxing Vincent Abbey by the State Council of China. The restoration of the church will begin in November 2019 and is expected to be completed in December 2020.


The Chinese wiki has many photos, including this tile picture:

嘉兴圣母显灵堂 (又称嘉兴天主堂、仁爱堂, 俗称圣母堂) 是位于浙江省嘉兴市一座天主教堂遗址, 位于嘉兴子城西侧. 教堂曾为天主教加尔默罗会 (圣衣会) 在嘉兴的总部, 体量宏大, 装饰精美, 规模号称“中国第一、远东第三”. 2005年3月列入浙江省文物保护单位, 2013年5月与嘉兴文生修道院一同列入第七批全国重点文物保护单位.


Published in📚 Chee Hsin 130 启新

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