Chee Hsin trim/boarder tile QX#113b/163b is seen in Ban-dung, Indonesia. The building was a department store during Dutch occupation, now a bank. It sits cross street from the site of 1955 Bandung Conference (万隆会议).
Bandung Conference was held in 1955 , from April 18-24 at (also known as Asian-African Conference 第一次亚非会议) @ Jl. Asia Afrika No.65, Braga, Kec. Sumur Bandung, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40111, Indonesia.
Holland was a province on the western coast of Netherlands. By 17th century, the province Holland rose to prominence, becoming a major power both in maritime and economic, and dominated the rest of the provinces of the newly independent Dutch Republic.
Indonesia were Greek words, Indies nesos (Indian islands), became popular after 1900. The Dutch East Indies ruled the country 1603-1799, then by Dutch directly on December 31, 1799. It gained independence from the Netherlands in 1945, and being recognized on December 27, 1949. Jakarta is the capital.
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