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Bill Gates Sr., 1925-2020

with his son, Bill Gates

The father of Bill Gates died today, Monday Sept 14, 2020 at the age of 94. 🙏 RIP

He was larger than life, figuratively and in reality. He made crucial decisions that set, at least in two young kids on to the right entrepreneurial paths.

One was his son and the other is Howard Schultz of Starbucks. Here is how Schultz remembers.

比尔·盖茨老爸今天 – 星期一 (2020.9.14) 过世了. 享年94岁

盖爸是个很成功的律师. 至少在2个创业娃的成长中起到了决定性的作用.
微软刚刚开始时 二个创业小伙伴因为要不要扩展 僵持不下 谁也说服不了对方
结果就是扩展了 人请了… 不久后还上市了.

另外一个是星巴克娃 Howard Schultz 舒尔茨. 他回忆盖爸带他去竞争对手的投标人办公室的情况. 人高马大的盖爸对小偷说 “你为自己要偷这个孩子的梦想而感到惭愧. 你和我都知道这不会发生.” 投资者知难而退. The kid, 舒娃以380万美元的价格买下了只有6家店的星巴克.

盖爸也是儿子基金会的把关人. 他出版了一本书 Showing Up for Life, 关于他的慈善哲学 (谷歌翻译):




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